2.Ramp-Up时间(秒)【准备时长】:JMeter需要多长时间才能启动所有线程。 如果有10个线程且准备时长为100秒,则每个线程将在前一个线程启动后10秒开始,总时间为100秒,以使测试完全达到速度。

【准备时长: 设置的虚拟用户数需要多长时间全部启动。如果线程数为20 ,准备时长为10 ,那么需要10秒钟启动20个线程。也就是每秒钟启动2个线程。】

3.循环次数:执行测试用例的次数。 如果选择“永远”,测试会一直运行,直到手动停止。

【如果勾选,例如50个线程Ramp-Up Period为10s,那么每隔1s启动50/10=5个线程并运行下面的请求(状态为running);不勾选,测试计划开始后启动所有线程(状态为new),但是不立即执行下面的请求。例如50个线程Ramp-Up Period为10s,那么计划开始后所有线程全部就绪,但第一秒只有5个线程开始运行请求。实际应用中选择哪种都可以,不影响测试结果。】

官网原文:If selected, threads are created only when the appropriate proportion of the ramp-up time has elapsed. This is most appropriate for tests with a ramp-up time that is significantly longer than the time to execute a single thread. I.e. where earlier threads finish before later ones start.
If not selected, all threads are created when the test starts (they then pause for the appropriate proportion of the ramp-up time). This is the original default, and is appropriate for tests where threads are active throughout most of the test.


2.启动 延迟(秒):点击启动按钮后,仅初始化场景,不运行线程,等待延时时间到才运行。